What ankles?

Ya'll, supposedly I'm mostly "non-symptomatic" with this whole kidney failure nonsense I've got going on but somebody forgot to notify my feet and ankles that they are supposed to behave and not act like my stomach at an all you can eat buffet.  Seriously.  My toes look like fat little sausages and my ankles are just squishy extensions of my calves.

To add insult to injury, whenever my toes cause a sausage craving, I can't even eat the delicious sausage because there's too much salt and it'll cause even more swelling.  Also maybe my toes shouldn't cause me to want food, but that's a mental thing not a kidney thing.

In the grand scheme of things this is a minor inconvenience, but does anybody have any recommendations for a sock that doesn't look like it's trying to chop my foot off my leg?  No really.


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